Lead Water Testing

Lead Water Testing

"Get the Lead out of School Drinking Water Act"

In 2022, Missouri lawmakers passed a bill that aims to reduce lead exposure in Missouri children with the "Get the Lead out of School Drinking Water Act" (Section 160.077, RSMo). This act sets a new standard in Missouri for lead concentrations in school drinking water, which which is now five parts per billion (5 ppb). The 5 ppb level now required by the state is well below the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA’s) recommended action level of 15 ppb for public water systems.

The act requires schools to conduct inventory, sampling, remediation and monitoring at all potable water outlets for drinking or food preparation in a school building.  Under the law, these steps are to be completed by August of 2024.

In alignment with our commitment to the safety and well-being of students and staff, along with commitment and in compliance with this act, lead water testing was conducted in Ash Grove School District over the Winter Break of 2023. These dates were selected for testing as schools were closed, so testing caused minimal disruption across the district.


Each possible drinking and food preparation source in our district was sampled and tested. Of the 298 water outlets tested across the district, only 48 tested above the Missouri statutory level of 5 ppb. More than 84% of those that tested above the limit were science lab faucets and classroom sinks, which are not typically used for drinking or food preparation.

Winter 2023-2024 Results of Lead Water Testing Link

Each water source exceeding the limit is no longer being used, however, all students and staff continue to have access to a variety of water outlets that have met compliance in each building. The district began the remediation process started in early March 2024, in partnership with the environmental consulting firm. If there are water sources with lead levels higher than the standard, the state requires the district to complete the following steps:

More Resources

Please contact Director of Operations, Mr. Brian Bagley, with any questions about this information.